In the course of a lifetime, the essence of living isn’t about work. Work is merely a means to sustain life. The true purpose of human existence is to live deeply and meaningfully. To achieve this, we must master ourselves and focus on the value of life every single day.
Living with Depth
Each day, invest your full attention in every action and every moment. Whether it’s enjoying a meal, sharing a story, sweeping the floor, taking a shower, talking to your children, engaging with a customer, or discussing tasks with colleagues—everything should be done with sincerity, mindfulness, and wholehearted dedication.
When you approach life with total focus, you will realize that happiness isn’t something far away. Happiness is found in the ordinary moments, when you are fully present with both body and mind.
The Conditions for Happiness Are Already Here
Happiness isn’t something you need to search for. The conditions for happiness are already within you. All it takes is conquering your inner distractions and being fully present—mind and body—in the here and now.
When you refocus on life’s ultimate purpose—to live deeply—you will naturally feel a surge of joy and contentment. Happiness isn’t something you need to achieve; it is a state of being truly present.
Start Today
From this moment forward, take time to slow down and savor life more deeply. Don’t let your days pass by as a blur of meaningless routines. Instead, live with authenticity and intention, making every day count.
Happiness isn’t some distant dream—it’s here, in this very moment. When you live deeply, you’ll see that life has always been full and beautiful just as it is.
Lesson by Venerable Thích Minh Niệm