Nothing is a coincidence, According to the principles of Buddhism


Every small and large activity in our lives, as well as the people and things we encounter, is not a coincidence. You might say that when you went to the bus station and met a foreigner without any prior arrangement, it was a chance meeting. However, that’s not the case. Meeting that person is not meaningless; on the contrary, it leaves behind marks we may not expect.

Nothing is by chance. Nothing is a coincidence. Everything you are experiencing is part of a bigger plan.

For instance, when you meet that person, you might see their face and think they resemble someone you dislike, causing you to feel irritated. Alternatively, they could remind you of someone you care for, leaving you with a positive feeling. These events are not random. If you hadn’t met that foreigner, you might have encountered someone else, which could have brought more annoyance or joy.

Therefore, meeting someone is not a coincidence or meaningless. Everything that happens in life has a certain significance. If in a past life you created a certain karma, it will manifest in this life. Instead of meeting that foreigner, you could have faced an intoxicated person attacking you, but due to your previous karma, you meet someone harmless.

Even a leaf falling on you is not random. If it were a branch, the situation would be different. You might remember a person sitting under a tree, noticing a squash vine crawling on the ground and thinking nature is truly marvelous. When looking up, a small fruit falls at the right moment; had it been as large as a squash, you would have faced disaster.

Most small things are located above us, like fruit. Larger fruits typically fall at night, not during the day, as they become soft and easier to drop. Nothing is random; everything has its reason. People with a tendency towards wrong views encounter such phenomena and may believe that there is a divine being arranging everything.

Trees that grow are never perfectly square; they are all round. This does not prove that a higher power is intervening. As Buddhists, we understand that all phenomena arise due to conditions. While we may not grasp every reason, it is essential to recognize that everything depends on circumstances. I reiterate this for everyone to remember.

Lesson by Venerable Toại Khanh

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Buddha Student
Buddha Student
I am a student of Buddhist teachings, sharing valuable insights from my journey of self-learning and exploring Buddhism. Most of the articles are compiled from the lectures of various Vietnamese monks. I hope these writings are as helpful to you as they have been to me.

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